Wednesday, October 27, 2010

boring, cold, wednesday

About me.
1. real name: Amanda Strom
2. like it: I would change my first name if I could.
3. single or taken: Taken.
4. zodiac sign: virgo
5. male or female: Female.
6. age: 23.
7. height: 5'4
8. lucky number: 2...i love even numbers
9. eye color: hazel
10. hair color: brown
11. long or short: in the middle.
12. marital status: Single? Well I’m not married anyway but I’m in a relationship.
13. are you a health freak: yes very much so
14. height: question 7…
15. do you have a crush on someone: I wouldn’t call it a crush :)
16. do you like yourself: Unsure.
17. piercings: ears but i want more
18. tattoos:1
19. righty or lefty: Righty.
20. fav color: purple
21. least fav color: beige.


22. first kiss: bleh i hate that guy
23. first piercing: Ears.
24. first best friend: another Amanda :)
25. first award: I did a race at the mall on a llama. I won!
26. first sport: Gymnastics
27. first pet: Pomeranian puppy. I loved him!
28. first vacation: Every summer to Las Vegas but biggest 1st trip was to Florida
29. first car: Ford F150
30. first crush: I dated a boy in 1st grade named Kenny. So dreamy.


31. what time is it: 2:51
32. where are you: In my room.
33. wish: I could get a massage.
34. about to: bake.
35. listening to: new Jimmy Eat World Cd
36. waiting for: Thanksgiving break
37. wearing: hoodie and jeans
38. annoyed about: the cold weather. either have lots of snow or be hot. not in between
39. eating: Nothing.
40. drinking: coffee.


41. want kids?: Yes, but not for a long time.
42. want to get married?: Yes.
43. careers in mind?: teaching
44. dream car?: audi r8!


45. lips or eyes?: Eyes.
46. hugs or kisses: Kisses.
47. shorter or taller: Taller.
48. tan skinned or light: Not bothered.
49. romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneous.
50. dark or light hair: Dark hair.
51. built, fat, muscular, skinny, or normal: I don’t mind.
52. hook up or relationship: Relationship.
53. similar to you or different: Differences create mystery ;)
54. trouble maker or hesitant: Hmm, hesitant.


55. kissed a stranger: Yes.
56. drank bubbles: Yes.
57. ate a crayon: No.
58. lost glasses/contacts: No.
59. climbed up a tree: I used to climb trees all the time when I was little, such a tomboy.
60. broken someone’s heart: I wouldn’t go that far.
61. been arrested: almost.
62. turned someone down: Yes.
63. cried when someone died: Yeah, of course.
64. liked a friend as more than a friend: I have done.


65. yourself: Sometimes.
66. miracles: yes
67. ghosts: Yes.
68. love at first sight: Not love.
69. santa clause: Haha aw I wish :(
70. heaven and hell: yes.
71. kissing on the first date: Uhm, a kiss on the cheek ;)
72. God: yes


73. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yes.
74. Who is it? Chris
75. Do you kiss on the first date? I have done.
76. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? No thanks.
77. Last time you flossed? A week ago, I’d rather just use mouth wash.
78. Last time checked for STDs? Never.
79. Fart in public? I don’t know.
80. Flirt with your friends boyfriend or girlfriend? Never.
81. Cheat on a partner? Never.
82. Whats under your bed? shoes and clothes and stuff
83. Last time you cleaned your toilet? I don’t do that.
84. Ever sprout hairs on your chin? No lmfao.
85. Does the carpet match the curtains? TMI!
86. Last kiss? Chris
87. Last booty call? No.
88. 7th text received? You got it
89. 4th missed call? unknown number
90. Last comment received? love you
91. Sleep with a stuffed animal? Not anymore.
92. Last time you cried? In the last week, I cry quite a lot for no reason.
93. Pee in pools? Only when I was young bahahaha.
94. Ever stolen something? Yes, stupid things.
95. Ever drink milk from the carton? Mmm yes.
96. Mad at anyone? No.
97. Ever rock a mullet? No, but that would rock
98. Last tuxedo worn? Never worn one
99. Last video game played? Wii fit. I'm not fit ha.

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