Thursday, December 16, 2010

Miley Cyrus Caught Smoking From A Bong

seriously people? are you really surprised?
i'm just sad i wasn't there in person to witness it. that woulda rocked my world.

in other news....
i took my last final today. my grades might not be perfect but i'm just glad to be done. i think i'm going to change my major. probably to become a sign language interpreter. i already know lots of sign language and it's fun and i'll be done with college a lot faster so i figure why not?!?!?

well i'm going to sleep since my final was at 7 this morning i'm waaaaay tired. hopefully this break will be a blast and relaxing and fun. i'll try to take pictures and make my life look a little less lame. school just ruins everything!

Monday, December 13, 2010

busy time of year

it's been a while since i posted. that's sad. buuuuuut I'm busy and my laptop got a virus and is sick. I hope to fix it in the next few days.
I'll leave you with this picture......

 awesome awesome awesome!!!! laughed so hard!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

well, I had nothing to do tonight after CB went back to school so I was gonna waste a lot of time on tumblr and then I discover that there is a problem with it and it's not working. The screen says "be back shortly" but how do they define shortly? It's been a loooong time. Lame!
guess I'll go do something responsible for a while. maybe workout...then maaaybe sleep. eh, who knows.


good news tho...only 2 more weeks of school! yes!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Who Who

I love my new hat. It's perfect.

yup, I'm odd but it's ok...who wants to be normal?

Day 26 - Photos of somewhere you've been to

Ok, so I do travel a lot. I haven't been a lot of places internationally but I do take several trips a year. Here are a few places I have been to.
1. Boulders National Park, S. Africa. Penguins in the wild are amazing!
2. The Grand Canyon. We rode mules to the bottom, stayed the night, endured one of the worst storms they have ever experienced, and then rode back up to the top. It was one of the scariest things ever because the trail is small and mules are stubborn but it was amazing!
3,4,5. Hawaii, I swam with turtles several times. They are amazing creatures and pretty friendly. I loved watching them swim under the water. Hawaii was one of the best places to live. I want to go live there again.
6. La Ventana, Baja Mexico. My family owns land and a nice place down there. We get to do nothing but eat authentic Mexican food and snorkel and suntan alllllll day. It's the best place EVER! I could live there too. Can't wait to go back there asap!
Welp, there are a few pics for this 30 day challenge that I keep forgetting about. :)

Friday, December 3, 2010

just a thought....

I hate girls. They bring drama. I really dislike girls that brag about themselves and say how hot they are or how amazing they are. I also hate girls that take "sexy" pictures of themselves and send them to people or put them on Facebook or on a blog. Like really? Get over yourself. Try to be a little humble. You can take compliments if people give them to you, but don't fish for them or make people feel obligated to give them to you, it's soooooooo annoying! I don't think this thought is too crazy. I've heard it from other people too. Girls shouldn't be needy, it's really lame. Ugh, it frustrates me...

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I'm obsessed with the website
I love love love looking at the pictures everyday! So I have said before, I am a HUGE cat lover. Love them so much! Well this post is so cute so I wanted to post it for others to see and to spread the word. 
(i said love and cute a lot in this one tiny paragraph ha)

Look and it and LOVE it! I would be in heaven if I could do this someday!

L.A.R.P. Live Avatar Role Playing

THIS IS A MUST SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So Your Cat Wants A Massage?

This always makes a bad day better. I can watch it a thousand times and I'll always laugh!

Time sure flies....

Wow time goes so so so so so fast! I'm sure you've all experienced it...that one day when something fabulous happens and you're like "WHOA where did time go?"
I have been officially with my man-friend for 4 years! yes, FOUR years....time has definitely flown by! We were lucky enough to spend the past week together non-stop and it was awesome. I loved our cuddle time and going on random adventures around Seattle. I love spending time with him and it never gets old.
This is our random vacation photo...I actually didn't know when it was being taken cuz they didn't countdown...and it's a little up close and dark buuuuut that's ok. We are special and cute. That's my fab wolf hat I got in South Korea. It has these things that hang down the sides that work as a scarf then at the end they have little pockets you put your hands in and they look like paws. It's adorable and I get comments all the time. It's warm so I wore it. Technically the Chiefs mascot is KC Wolf so I was close.'s almost been one year since I got home from Africa. It's weird to think about that too. It was summertime there and so I was nice and warm, then I flew to Hawaii for a few days to get my luggage and to say goodbye to everyone and it was in the 80's there too so I wore a dress to come home and when I got to the Boise airport I had to put leggings on because it was like ten degrees. I hated that so much. But I was glad to be home for Christmas. My original plan was to be in Hawaii for Christmas but I didn't like the thought of not having a white Christmas or being away from my family and practically alone cuz campus would be pretty empty, so I'm glad I came home for the most part.
This Christmas will be interesting because I'm not getting any gifts. I chose to not get them but to donate the money I would get. I am donating it to a friend of mine in Africa that has absolutely nothing and is trying to make it through school. I felt that would be a better thing to do. It makes me happy.
Well I'm going to download some new tunes and then hopefully make it to class with this crappy weather....after a trip to Starbucks because that's necessary on a day like today.