Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 26 - Photos of somewhere you've been to

Ok, so I do travel a lot. I haven't been a lot of places internationally but I do take several trips a year. Here are a few places I have been to.
1. Boulders National Park, S. Africa. Penguins in the wild are amazing!
2. The Grand Canyon. We rode mules to the bottom, stayed the night, endured one of the worst storms they have ever experienced, and then rode back up to the top. It was one of the scariest things ever because the trail is small and mules are stubborn but it was amazing!
3,4,5. Hawaii, I swam with turtles several times. They are amazing creatures and pretty friendly. I loved watching them swim under the water. Hawaii was one of the best places to live. I want to go live there again.
6. La Ventana, Baja Mexico. My family owns land and a nice place down there. We get to do nothing but eat authentic Mexican food and snorkel and suntan alllllll day. It's the best place EVER! I could live there too. Can't wait to go back there asap!
Welp, there are a few pics for this 30 day challenge that I keep forgetting about. :)

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