Monday, May 23, 2011

i hate people that use the word "dope..." please stop, you sound like an idiot

lately i've needed a swift kick in the
to do any blogging.

i feel that my life is not all that exciting lately.

the BEST news i have is that i'm 
i couldn't be happier!
that place was
& plane ol 

i was always sore and my feet and back killed
from standing all the time & not really moving much.
i'm glad to put it allllll behind me.

22 days 
*that's probably the best news but i don't want to brag ;)

well i am just going to chill for a few weeks 
& hang with my man 
& shop 
& prepare for my trip

softball season has started for church ball.
we had our first double header yesterday.
we lost both.
buuuut we did really good for our first time as a team.
i had a few good hits and good catches.
but the best part
was probably when 
the second base man threw the ball to first base 
& NAILED me in the collar bone.
YES, it hurt like the dickens!
it took my breath away 
& made my right arm all tingly.
today, i have a nice mark on my collar bone
it actually kinda looks like a

i may just say that's what it is...
ha jk.
i'm glad to have a great injury.
my first real sports injury other than 
bruises and scrapes from volleyball.

i don't have much else to catch up on.
my camera is kinda broken so i haven't taken many pictures lately.
i gotta fix that before my trip.
note to self.

oh, & i'm like obsessed with eyeball pictures & i like this...

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