Monday, June 27, 2011


i can officially say that i don't really want to go home.
i am LOVING it here.
there are definitely pros and cons to being here.
i love everything that is going on right now
what do i do?

continue to live an easy life and work with people all the time 
that just want to do missions around the world??


go back home and become a dental assistant
and try to get a man for life and really really grow up??

the decision is hard for me.
really really hard.
ugh. i know. 
blah blah another person posting about their problems on their blog.
well, deal.
i have to organize my thoughts sometimes.

i really need to start taking more pictures of everyday life too.
i'm bad at that.
oh and start wearing sunblock.
i am so burnt.
it hurts to sit.
whenever i sit in my office chair 
my legs stick and i have to peel them off and it kills.
i whine a lot but i gotta learn i guess.

here is a random shot. it was raining hard
and i couldn't hear my music. 

these next shots are from our trip to South Point.
the most southern point of the United States.
I didn't jump. I'm too much of a wimp. 
It's about 40 feet. I just climbed down the rocks & swam.
Later I found out that the most sharks in the island are located there.
Good thing i didn't know that before i swam.
or i wouldn't have duh.
anywho, enjoy!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

the sound of the rain makes it impossible to hear my music!!!!

my trip to Hawaii has been fantastic!
i have an awesome roommate, Breanna from Cali!
it's nice to have someone the
-same age
-speaks english
-likes the same things i do
-has a similar past so we relate
yup, it's a match made in heaven!

my time here has been fun this time.
i feel that last time was not as good cuz everyone was not as friendly.
i felt that they cared less.
& i see that now.
i had so much alone time before
& now i have zero 

the time change is killing me still.
4 hours doesn't seem much 
but at night i'm ready for bed at 8 since it's midnight at home

i already have a tan.
3 trips to the beach and random walking will do the trick
oh, & coconut oil.

ants are still attacking and they ate my animal crackers.
i got ziplock bags. hopefully that helps.

here are a few photos from my trip to the north shore. 
next saturday: south shore.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Made it to Hawaii and it's amazing once again. Things are a bit different and different people are here but it's been good so far. I am a tiny bit homesick and I miss not having a car.
Walking is good tho ha
The ants are bad and it's humid.
The water is kinda cold too.
Seems odd.
Oh well.
Ummmm I'm kinda sad to not be home.
I miss people Aka a man
Even tho there's some drama in that dept.
I just am craving a hug

Work here starts at 6 am
I may die
We'll see how that works out.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


this tiny little creature makes me happy...
 issoku, the chinchilla

(even when she gives the stink eye)