Tuesday, June 21, 2011

the sound of the rain makes it impossible to hear my music!!!!

my trip to Hawaii has been fantastic!
i have an awesome roommate, Breanna from Cali!
it's nice to have someone the
-same age
-speaks english
-likes the same things i do
-has a similar past so we relate
yup, it's a match made in heaven!

my time here has been fun this time.
i feel that last time was not as good cuz everyone was not as friendly.
i felt that they cared less.
& i see that now.
i had so much alone time before
& now i have zero 

the time change is killing me still.
4 hours doesn't seem much 
but at night i'm ready for bed at 8 since it's midnight at home

i already have a tan.
3 trips to the beach and random walking will do the trick
oh, & coconut oil.

ants are still attacking and they ate my animal crackers.
i got ziplock bags. hopefully that helps.

here are a few photos from my trip to the north shore. 
next saturday: south shore.

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