Friday, October 21, 2011

Golly g

Well my parents are the bomb! They totally bought me a ticket to visit my boyfriend in washington for a week! I don't have a way home from Hawaii yet but I have a ticket to Washington a few days after Christmas....
I'm so excited and I'm totally blessed!
I can't stop smiling an I can't stop thanking my parents!
Wool it's the weekend and I'm almost off work so I'm ready to power nap then hit the town!
Beach day tomorrow to work on my tan...which is pretty amazing actually then swimming with turtles on Sunday!

Friday, October 14, 2011


idk why i made that my post title...
i just like that word.

things have been busy lately.
not only do i have to take care of international students trying to get into the country everyday,
but now i have to also establish a campus call center!
no pressure there...
ok, just a lot of pressure.
i don't know what to do.
it's working so far tho.
i just act like i'm doing, hold official meetings, show demonstrations on computers about how the campus
system works and smile and act like this is a piece of cake.
so far so good.
i'm apparently "leaving my legacy"
yup, kind of a big deal!

i have been enjoying life lately.
since my sweet booty club has left me, and my boo went back to washington,
i hang out with other people a lot.
mostly europeans.
i don't understand them very often but it's all good.
last night we played wii and did Just Dance.
folks, that game is addicting. it's a great workout. i really really want it for myself when i get home.

i used to make fun of people that skyped for hours.
mostly because i never had anyone that was willing to skype for a long time. or anyone i wanted to talk to for a long time.
woool all that's changed! i skype DJ for hours. ok, our record is 2...and it wasn't just me the whole time.
i'm about to skype my old roommate Breanna and i'm excited about that. i miss my buddies,
basically i miss americans a bit. we're being taken over by foreigners...

i also straightened my hair...
then it rained...
i control the weather!
every time i curl or straighten my hair it rains.
no fail.
so today it's like a poofball....
check it!

yup, i just took that...gross. time

my pops has one of these...this is its twin! i miss riding in it and driving it!
haaaaa ok bye now

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

sadness in my heart

This ADORKABLE boy has left me and gone home.
My heart is sad.
He's now thousands of miles away!
we have to skype....
yes, skype....
and that sucks.
I just want to kiss his adorable face, and smack his butt and cuddle.
I miss those times.
in 11 weeks and 4 days I will see him again.
He'll come to Idaho, I'll go to Washington.
Time is moving slowly.
I'm gonna cry.