Friday, October 14, 2011


idk why i made that my post title...
i just like that word.

things have been busy lately.
not only do i have to take care of international students trying to get into the country everyday,
but now i have to also establish a campus call center!
no pressure there...
ok, just a lot of pressure.
i don't know what to do.
it's working so far tho.
i just act like i'm doing, hold official meetings, show demonstrations on computers about how the campus
system works and smile and act like this is a piece of cake.
so far so good.
i'm apparently "leaving my legacy"
yup, kind of a big deal!

i have been enjoying life lately.
since my sweet booty club has left me, and my boo went back to washington,
i hang out with other people a lot.
mostly europeans.
i don't understand them very often but it's all good.
last night we played wii and did Just Dance.
folks, that game is addicting. it's a great workout. i really really want it for myself when i get home.

i used to make fun of people that skyped for hours.
mostly because i never had anyone that was willing to skype for a long time. or anyone i wanted to talk to for a long time.
woool all that's changed! i skype DJ for hours. ok, our record is 2...and it wasn't just me the whole time.
i'm about to skype my old roommate Breanna and i'm excited about that. i miss my buddies,
basically i miss americans a bit. we're being taken over by foreigners...

i also straightened my hair...
then it rained...
i control the weather!
every time i curl or straighten my hair it rains.
no fail.
so today it's like a poofball....
check it!

yup, i just took that...gross. time

my pops has one of these...this is its twin! i miss riding in it and driving it!
haaaaa ok bye now

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