Friday, April 29, 2011

The royal wedding was fantastic.
When I have more time this weekend I plan to write about it.
Right now I need a nap since I stayed up so late to watch.

I got the whole weekend off people.
I'm happy

Monday, April 25, 2011

chicka chicka boom

listen to this song,
i really like it.

this Easter was a good day.
the sun was shining 
& there was no wind.
we got to watch an Easter play at church 
& that was nicely done. 
then we had a family get together
& i ate my weight in
cheesy potatoes.
i love those things so so much.
then i went to chill with my man.
we walked downtown & let his smelly dog swim.

when i woke up my 
got me two small gifts.
apparently we're too old to look for eggs.
1st off, 
i got this AWESOME 
meerkat bookmark.

it's a hologram so they move when you move
the bookmark. i found this picture of it online 
so i didn't have to take it myself ha.
i don't read much so it will probably
be a decoration on my bullitin board.

2nd gift was a 
Hello Kitty plastic container.
i wanted it to carry my lenses for my camera.
it's super cute & i love
Hello Kitty.
& i got one mini 
reeses peanut butter cup.
that was cool.

i really like this list too.
if anybody really really knows me,
they know i love post-it's & lists.

today i was supposed to work 
but i woke up with a bad headache
after i had a nightmare.
in my nightmare,
i was locked inside a hospital with like 5 people i hate.
they kept wanting to take my blood away,
but i just wanted to run but i couldn't get away.
it was weird!
plus my back is killing me 
& standing around & doing hard labor
for 8 hours did not sound appealing today.
today, i'm taking it easy.
i'll do a few errands
then meet with my man for dinner
since he's in town tonight.
i have the whole weekend off this coming weekend.
that's good.
then house-sitting the next weekend.
then only like two more weeks of work.
then i get really busy getting stuff done 
for my sister's graduation 
as well as packing for Hawaii.
it's allllll worth it tho.
i'm excited.
ok, that was probably boring.
i'm gonna get some new music & take a nap.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

how amusing

i want to work here.
only because it has a
kick ass

Royal Wedding

i really want to have a Royal Wedding
viewing party.

i figure that i'm going to watch it
along with 6 billion other people
so why not have a party and have people over?

i'm going to do some research 
and find something
to make it a fun party.

people wanna come over.

it will be fun.
i'll pretend to be 
ALL night.

here goes the research.
...after i run to the store.

pip pip cheerio!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I prefer humans, that are animals in bed ;)

see, animals care! 
stop smoking!!!


i'll just round out the number....

52 days!
 i'll be suntanning in 
i'm so so so so excited to go back there!

ok, ok,
enough spam
from my last trip.

im just so 

i have to get off the internet.
i was going to write more but
my eyes burn
and i work tomorrow
so i need sleep.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Red Sawx


so, even tho the 
Red Sox 
have the 
record in the league,
i still love them.
we have a chance to come back
& win & win & win & win.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


i really hope that this isn't true 
about myself.
i don't think that i'm
a boring person
at all.
i may have my boring
but lately
felt like a boring person.
when i'm not working,
i don't have much to do.
i've seen
a lot
of movies lately
& been to some shops
but i haven't done anything 
super productive.
i really need a hobby.
it's tough to do that 
when you're saving all your money
& not allowing yourself to 
buy crafty things.
i do however have one plan in mind.

my bf graduates 
in a few weeks.
proud of him 
& so i have a plan.
i'm going to build him a cake
& some cupcakes.
& have a party!!!!

i'm still not sure what gift to get him....
has any ideas,
share them with me!

today i'm home alone 
I love it!
i'm going to keep doing nothing basically.
maybe clean a bit.

that was my randomness
for today.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Let's all continue to pray for 
the people in 
& surrounding areas.
the fishes of the sea.
this is a 
tragedy & seems to be getting bigger
& messier everyday,
so let's pray for 
& health
& recovery
for this country.

also, here is a news page to look at.
it's sad 
but it's 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

There's something amazing about...

it may sound weird 
i love climbing into my bed
after a long day
and smelling the 
clean sheets.
it's fantastic!

so today was a chill day. i did nothing really.
i need to clean my room 
but i'll do that tonight while i watch some tv shows.

i might seem weird but i also downloaded
my 1st Britney Spears album ha
it was on 
Mediafire (my favorite website EVER!)
so i figured 
why not? i can rock out with my cawk out (inside joke)
i got
they are so chill & have good lyrics

so far i've saved 
my work money for my trip to Hawaii.
you have NO idea how hard it can be.
i'm actually a tight wad when it comes to spending money.
i only buy things i really really need or that are on sale.
i guess i'm kinda cheap.
i will have lots of spending money for Hawaii
& they have unique things.
last time i went there
i was unprepared
for how much things cost there.
(usually a gallon of milk was around $5)
 i didn't buy many souvenirs in Hawaii
i saved most of my money to buy stuff in Africa
but we ended up being too busy to shop much there
even tho everything was cheap!
they have some of the cutest clothes in their malls.
i was sad i didn't have time to shop more.
but that's ok.
i'll go back someday.

i'm probably not a real original person.
i'm ok with that.
i do have my moments tho.
anywho, i bring this up because i'm annoyed.
this person pushes my buttons
& i never see them.
it usually is from stuff posted on the internet.
i can't say much on here
as to why & when & where and yadda yadda
cuz i don't want to cause trouble
if this person reads this or hears about it.
i just want to vent it out i suppose.
if i could tell this person 
& not care about the results,
i would.
probably to more than one person actually.
i hate cocky girls
who think highly of themselves
& who think they are so "special"
they need bitch slapped!

ok, ok,
i'm done.

will someone PLEASE buy this for me?
i want to take classes this fall 
& i need an equipment upgrade

also, this website has AMAZING lenses!
i'll take them

ok, i'm going to clean now. 
probably go for a walk.
it's kinda 

peace, yo

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

blog stalker?

here is a map...

the red part is Denmark.
never been there.
but someone from there is stalking my blog.
thank you?
you seem to be enjoying it
even tho i don't know you.
i hope you're nice.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

shark week

i hate being a girl.
i don't want to work tomorrow.
it makes me cranky & and makes me want to cry.
i hate this Idaho weather.
wind annoys me.
i need my own place.
my room is messsssy!!
i feel lazy lately.
i want to play softball.
the sox keep losing.
general conference was on tv this weekend.
tumblr is boring lately, so the internet sucks.
april fools jokes are dumb & annoying

TWO months til a Hawaiian summer!
i have a job that gives me money for a good summer.
my cat is purring on my lap right now.
i had a good day with my man.
my hair is growing. slowly.
i learned some good things today.
notre dame girls won.
tomorrow is the ncaa final game.
after tomorrow i have two whole days off!

ok, just had to vent a smidge.
negatives & positives.

i hope tomorrow is a good monday.