Wednesday, April 6, 2011

There's something amazing about...

it may sound weird 
i love climbing into my bed
after a long day
and smelling the 
clean sheets.
it's fantastic!

so today was a chill day. i did nothing really.
i need to clean my room 
but i'll do that tonight while i watch some tv shows.

i might seem weird but i also downloaded
my 1st Britney Spears album ha
it was on 
Mediafire (my favorite website EVER!)
so i figured 
why not? i can rock out with my cawk out (inside joke)
i got
they are so chill & have good lyrics

so far i've saved 
my work money for my trip to Hawaii.
you have NO idea how hard it can be.
i'm actually a tight wad when it comes to spending money.
i only buy things i really really need or that are on sale.
i guess i'm kinda cheap.
i will have lots of spending money for Hawaii
& they have unique things.
last time i went there
i was unprepared
for how much things cost there.
(usually a gallon of milk was around $5)
 i didn't buy many souvenirs in Hawaii
i saved most of my money to buy stuff in Africa
but we ended up being too busy to shop much there
even tho everything was cheap!
they have some of the cutest clothes in their malls.
i was sad i didn't have time to shop more.
but that's ok.
i'll go back someday.

i'm probably not a real original person.
i'm ok with that.
i do have my moments tho.
anywho, i bring this up because i'm annoyed.
this person pushes my buttons
& i never see them.
it usually is from stuff posted on the internet.
i can't say much on here
as to why & when & where and yadda yadda
cuz i don't want to cause trouble
if this person reads this or hears about it.
i just want to vent it out i suppose.
if i could tell this person 
& not care about the results,
i would.
probably to more than one person actually.
i hate cocky girls
who think highly of themselves
& who think they are so "special"
they need bitch slapped!

ok, ok,
i'm done.

will someone PLEASE buy this for me?
i want to take classes this fall 
& i need an equipment upgrade

also, this website has AMAZING lenses!
i'll take them

ok, i'm going to clean now. 
probably go for a walk.
it's kinda 

peace, yo

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