Sunday, January 2, 2011

2 zero 11

nnnnnnnneeeeeeeeewwwwwwww yyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeaaaar!
I know it's not that exciting. but eh, it's ok.
I am a firm believer in not making resolutions. Nobody really ever keeps them, and I know I certainly don't either. All I can do is be myself and totally rock at life. I do always keep things in mind to do during the year and I usually achieve them if they are sensible and reasonable obviously. I am going to work out more this year, and to ensure that, I'm taking a yoga class and a jogging class. It will be awesome. I also am doing Tae Bo and TOTALLLY am going to stop drinking pop. Today was my last. Tomorrow I will start a 7 day fruit cleanse. Drinking only fruit and veggies for all meals and snacks for 7 days. Hopefully I lose 10 pounds! I could use it. And it's supposed to cleanse your body's needs for caffeine and junk food. So that's perfect!
I have enjoyed my break. Lots of relaxing and movies and a little reading and a few parties. oh, and skiing. Love love that!
I hope that this is a good year, and now I count down to Hawaii. Yes, 3 perfect months in paradise! The BEST! Maybe this time I'll stay for good??!!
ok, peace and blessings ;)
hopefully I get back to regular posting soon!

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