Tuesday, March 29, 2011


this song is ALWAYS played when we go to the Shilo (a local bar place)
it only has like 2 words that everybody knows

it's catchy.
the other day all i could do is sing these two words
& it's been continuing everyday since
so i decided to watch the video
which i have to say is a bit nutty
now i'm sharing it with readers

today i watched 3 movies
-the next three days
-vampire's suck

*tangled was for little kids, but made me laugh a few times. i liked the horse
*the next three days was predictible but an a+ for a man that risks alllll he has for his wife
*vampire's suck well...sucked. i hate twilight tho, so i applaud it for making fun. dumb, but i laughed

i think that i actually work tomorrow. pretty sure.
& i'll be at work during my fantasy baseball draft which is a bummer
i really WANT Jacoby Ellsbury on my team
i hope that i get him on auto-draft or can trade for him later.
he's soooo damn sexy!

mmmmk....that's all i have to share
i took nyquill so this could all not make so much sense
& i'm feeling rather sleepy at this moment
maybe i'll drool a lot tonight?
i did last night ^^

i'm not so smart i guess

i've never claimed to be smart,
but i usually can do things ok.
well, today i went to work but apparently i didn't work.
i was on the schedule 
but some girl said she talked to me and switched schedules.
but that's ok, 
i hate where i work so i'm ok not being there
especially an all day shift.
i'll make no money today but i am going to hang with my sister
& sister bonding time is more important than one day's salary

ok...well i'm going to party (ish) 
& enjoy this day off.

Monday, March 28, 2011

This snow that we got this morning... I don't approve.
Idaho sucks balls
And like ten people have said Merry christmas to me today and that annoys me


Sunday, March 27, 2011

rock the beat

there is something that i love about Willow.
she is adorable & she's so young but so successful already
how i wish i coulda been Will Smith's kid...
go ahead,
bob your head to this one

a long lazy day

today i am sick. like really sick. it sucks. i'm laying in bed writing junk because tv sucks. i'm watching Notting Hill again. the one with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant. 
it's old but pretty good. a typical love story i suppose.
yesterday i went skiing. it was fantastic and the best weather i've had at Targhee for a loooong time.
usually when i go there the top of the mountain is so windy and cloudy that i can't see the tip of my skis. but yesterday was nice and i didn't get sick. 
here is me and my sister on the chair lift. 
i always look like a goober with all my ski equipment.
sister & i just had lunch at the car so we went back up the mountain and decided to take a quick run down the hill on one of the easier groomed trails to look for my pops in case he wanted to eat or grab coffee at the lodge. the run was easy and sister & and i raced down the whole mountain without stopping to see how fast we could do it. towards the bottom of the hill i turned around to make sure that sister was still behind me & she was. when i turned back around, somehow my ski tips got crossed and i have this plastic tip guard thing on my skis 
( i'm not really sure what they are or why they're there)
and i couldn't get my other ski uncrossed! 
when i looked ahead, there was a pole. one of those boundary poles that they put up to mark trails.
well....i hit it. 
i smacked my right leg in the shin.
my left leg i'm pretty sure went in the splits & behind my head.
skis went in awkward directions
& the pole went down the hill
yes, i was terribly embarrassed.
i've fallen ONE time my entire life of skiing!
& it wasn't even my fault.
i'm a pretty good skier and very careful so it was awful.
the ski patrol guy happened to come by a few minutes after and asked if i was ok. i couldn't stop laughing/crying. it's a weird thing i do when i'm in pain or sad but the situation was funny.
so i laid there for about five minutes and got myself together and moved on.

i did take a photo with the pole to remember this moment.
the pole looks so nice but it really is hard and shows NO mercy.
& today i'm paying for this lovely crash. 
i have huge bruises on my right leg, and my left knee is killing me!
it kept me up alllllllll night. every position was awkward and painful. 
work is going to suck tomorrow.
PLUS i'm now more sick now than i was before. 
i'm just struggling major today.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

It's spring break, bitches!!!!

sorry for the outrageous title...but i felt that it needed emphasis. 
aaand i swear, a lot.

since it's spring break, i haven't been online. i got on once to join a fantasy baseball team
and that was it. it took forever cuz i forgot my login junk. 
i have too many things to remember.

lots of things have happened lately. 
i've been working quite a bit.
it makes my feet really tired and my back ache. and my hands get dirty. 
but i'm getting money and that's nice to have.
i'm such a tight wad so i split my paychecks in half right now. 
1/2 to pay my college loan off
1/2 to save money for HAWAII this summer
i really want to have spending money so i'm saving a lot.
&occasionally i save like $30 bucks for spending and that's all.
so now i'm being a HUGE bargain shopper.
TJ Maxx & Downeast Outfitters & sale racks are my best friends.

i was really proud of myself the other day. i have been looking for a good necklace lately.
i went to wal mart and found one that was kinda ugly but had good charms on it.
it was put together like a blind person did it. the charms made no sense together.
so i bought the ugly necklace and took it apart.
NOW i have like 6 necklaces with different charms. 
i just switch out the charms based on my attitude for the day.
man, i'm smart ;)

i got my hair highlighted a bit ago. 
i love it. 
but as we all know it eventually fades.
it's getting to that point and my hair needs fixed. but i want to go lighter.
so...i bought this
it helps lighten dark hair to light brown.
it's going to be interesting to see how it turns out. i'm going to wait maybe one to two more weeks.
i'm still going to wait for my highlights to totally be not so good looking. 
they are good for now.

Now, moving to another story...
i entered a photo contest.
i LOVE taking photos but by no means am i amazing at it.
i have many photos that i'm proud of but i have A LOT to learn.
i would love to take a class this fall and learn some good techniques.
but it's always been on my bucket list to enter a contest. 
so i went balls deep and entered a pretty basic contest that i knew wouldn't be too tough.
i blew up a photo to an 8x10 and got a frame for it.
it went to the contest....
& I WON!
i was jazzed. 
here is a (crummy) photo of my medal
yup, i got a superior!
now it gets to go to regionals next month.
i got a lot of comments on the photo.
which btw was a picture of two kids from Africa that i took.
the lighting needed work but had a good basic story to it. 
& who doesn't love adorable African kids??

ok, well that's all i have for today. i gotta go shower and go to the health food store
and then meet up with my man to play and what not.
tomorrow i work, then get drunk ;)
(work drives me to drink)
then saturday i'm going skiing at targhee!
they have a great special for college kids...
show your school i.d. and ski for only $30!
don't pass it up! the snow is great!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

i'm noticing a trend...i blog a lot on Thursdays....

i would like to kill whoever got me sick!!!!
what did i ever do to you?
i have to go to work and feel less than 100%.
which btw, work is lame! 

next week is spring break!
i'm excited to spend it with some people but have no amazing plans.
although, i would go to ANY of these places

i wish i lived near a warm place that was having like some cool rock concert or something
cuz i love love concerts!
the only one i have planned so far is Taylor Swift sometime in september, if i can find someone to go with me for reals. maybe my sister or someone random. i doubt that my man would go.
he once dreamt about Taylor Swift but idk if he would go to a concert.
too many screaming teen girls ha.

well, i haven't even begun to get ready for work yet. 
 as you can see in this pic for today, i have not fixed my hair or applied my makeup.
it's just me and my GIANT cup of coffee. it really is an over sized mug!
but works wonders!

and this week i was also invited to do a fantasy baseball. yesterday i tried to figure it out but i was SO confused! i feel like a dumb ass really. have you people looked at the ESPN website lately? it's quite busy on there since all the college crap is going on.
which btw i'm upset i didn't get a bracket printed since my printer doesn't have ink.
and i'm upset that i just found out that you can do them online without printing them. thanks bf for sharing that with me. NOT. 
oh well, i would win anyways, i always do. well like for three years ha.
i will use him this weekend to help with my fantasy junk. maybe i'll win that this year? 
yeah, probably not.

ok, to wrap up this long post so that i can get ready for work, i will share a new band with you that i really like. they are different but i enjoy their tunes.

Young the Giant
this one is call Cough Syrup, it's fun. Check out all their music!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

random thurdsay & hair wraps


ok, enough of that. 
today i had NO junk food, and NO soda. Props to me. Only like 39 days left ha. 

Lent is a tough time during the year but also very enlightening.

This is my random web camera face of the day since i'm too lazy to use my own camera....
Not really sure why, but i always seem to make weird faces.
you can kind of see my hair wrap that i have. on the left side of the picture.
the other day my grandma said i was trying to be Jamaican.
yes grandma, that's just what i was going for.
not really, it just took me back to my childhood when hair wraps were popular.
i'm just bringing them back baby!
not hard to do, & super fun!

Hair Wrap link

Here's an example, (it's not me, it's from google)
i put mine towards the back behind my ear like this girl so that it's there but not
screaming for attention. Don't be afraid to use bold colors!
If you do it, you should post pictures and send them to me or send me a link to your blog!
Have fun!

anywho, i'm going to go now and see me man.
have a happy random thurdsay!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


40 days without....??

this year it's going to be soda & fast food. i have faith in myself to do well. i don't need those things anyways. it will only help me to continue to lose weight so that i feel good when i live in my bikini for 3 months in HAWAII this summer ^^
Last year i gave up chocolate and desserts and that was tough especially around shark week, i was a mess. so this year i will be healthier (ish) and mainly just stick to home cooked meals and coffee.

oh, & I like these....

Friday, March 4, 2011

a bicycle built for two

I'm in love with the idea of having a tandem bicycle. I want to take rides around town and go on picnics with my love. I want summer and to have fun playing softball and drinking icees while laying out in the park at night talking and looking at the stars. Summers always seem to be perfect. When I always seem to be happiest.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Phoenix & Las Vegas 2011 trip pictures

Took a lot of pictures outside the car window lol. I love the fisheye lens and how it's just random. We went to a conference and concert at the US Airways Center where the Suns play. I kept thinking that I was going to a game but they weren't in Phoenix. My seats woulda been amazing. Sixth row right at half court. Oh goodness, one day I will get there for a game. I want to live there. Phoenix is amazingly beautiful and really clean. Anywho, here are some pics.

me and cardboard Steve. Luckily I have seen him in real life.

Hawk Nelson was amazing!

I am sad they traded him!

It's gigantic!

random cactus

lots of Vegas car pictures, it was raining...

LONGEST ride home. This was the first sign of snow on our way home. Ugh, I hate snow.

2479.96 miles

...that's how far apart i am from my boy. makes me really sad right now. i'll see him in a week but still, it's already been over a week apart. i don't really know how we survived being apart for six months last year.
i'm trying to decide right now if i want to go to China or Africa again to work with the orphanages. it would be the coolest opportunity ever! the chances of it being permanent are very high tho...
but how can you say no to these faces????

life is taking some big turns this year. i will be going to Hawaii for 3 months this summer to work with missions and kids there, which will be once again amazing! i love Hawaii so much. who knows, i could end up staying there too.
all of these are big options and i have to keep in mind that they might not work out like planned but i'm ok with that. i just want to be safe and with people that i care about.
maybe i'll just get married and move somewhere with my man. simple answer and i'd be happy ha. jk, but really i'd be ok with that.
i just gotta keep living life to it's fullest because you never know what tomorrow will bring. it sounds cliche to say that because we've all heard it, but i've experienced a lot in my life and i can tell you from experience that you never know what could happen tomorrow that you least expect and that will change your life forever. never take people for granted and never go to bed angry. you don't want to have regrets in your life.
i'm not sure if this post even made sense. i'm just in one of those random moods. and i don't wanna go to work tonight. and my itunes isn't working which is frustrating me.
i have tomorrow off and i plan to spend it with my mommy and party at night with my buddy stacy.
i guess that's all i have to say right now. i would talk about my trip to phoenix but i'm not going to yet. maybe after i watch last weeks episode of the office online.
the end.