Sunday, March 27, 2011

a long lazy day

today i am sick. like really sick. it sucks. i'm laying in bed writing junk because tv sucks. i'm watching Notting Hill again. the one with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant. 
it's old but pretty good. a typical love story i suppose.
yesterday i went skiing. it was fantastic and the best weather i've had at Targhee for a loooong time.
usually when i go there the top of the mountain is so windy and cloudy that i can't see the tip of my skis. but yesterday was nice and i didn't get sick. 
here is me and my sister on the chair lift. 
i always look like a goober with all my ski equipment.
sister & i just had lunch at the car so we went back up the mountain and decided to take a quick run down the hill on one of the easier groomed trails to look for my pops in case he wanted to eat or grab coffee at the lodge. the run was easy and sister & and i raced down the whole mountain without stopping to see how fast we could do it. towards the bottom of the hill i turned around to make sure that sister was still behind me & she was. when i turned back around, somehow my ski tips got crossed and i have this plastic tip guard thing on my skis 
( i'm not really sure what they are or why they're there)
and i couldn't get my other ski uncrossed! 
when i looked ahead, there was a pole. one of those boundary poles that they put up to mark trails.
well....i hit it. 
i smacked my right leg in the shin.
my left leg i'm pretty sure went in the splits & behind my head.
skis went in awkward directions
& the pole went down the hill
yes, i was terribly embarrassed.
i've fallen ONE time my entire life of skiing!
& it wasn't even my fault.
i'm a pretty good skier and very careful so it was awful.
the ski patrol guy happened to come by a few minutes after and asked if i was ok. i couldn't stop laughing/crying. it's a weird thing i do when i'm in pain or sad but the situation was funny.
so i laid there for about five minutes and got myself together and moved on.

i did take a photo with the pole to remember this moment.
the pole looks so nice but it really is hard and shows NO mercy.
& today i'm paying for this lovely crash. 
i have huge bruises on my right leg, and my left knee is killing me!
it kept me up alllllllll night. every position was awkward and painful. 
work is going to suck tomorrow.
PLUS i'm now more sick now than i was before. 
i'm just struggling major today.


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