Thursday, March 3, 2011

2479.96 miles

...that's how far apart i am from my boy. makes me really sad right now. i'll see him in a week but still, it's already been over a week apart. i don't really know how we survived being apart for six months last year.
i'm trying to decide right now if i want to go to China or Africa again to work with the orphanages. it would be the coolest opportunity ever! the chances of it being permanent are very high tho...
but how can you say no to these faces????

life is taking some big turns this year. i will be going to Hawaii for 3 months this summer to work with missions and kids there, which will be once again amazing! i love Hawaii so much. who knows, i could end up staying there too.
all of these are big options and i have to keep in mind that they might not work out like planned but i'm ok with that. i just want to be safe and with people that i care about.
maybe i'll just get married and move somewhere with my man. simple answer and i'd be happy ha. jk, but really i'd be ok with that.
i just gotta keep living life to it's fullest because you never know what tomorrow will bring. it sounds cliche to say that because we've all heard it, but i've experienced a lot in my life and i can tell you from experience that you never know what could happen tomorrow that you least expect and that will change your life forever. never take people for granted and never go to bed angry. you don't want to have regrets in your life.
i'm not sure if this post even made sense. i'm just in one of those random moods. and i don't wanna go to work tonight. and my itunes isn't working which is frustrating me.
i have tomorrow off and i plan to spend it with my mommy and party at night with my buddy stacy.
i guess that's all i have to say right now. i would talk about my trip to phoenix but i'm not going to yet. maybe after i watch last weeks episode of the office online.
the end.

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