Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Enchanted - Taylor Swift [Full with Lyrics]

My new favorite song. It never gets old.


I have no idea why my last post looks like that. I'm all sad. So I guess if you read it all then you're amazing. I spent time on that one, but I'm not going to redo it. grrrrr!!
Welllll now I'll post some pics of my trip. I didn't take a whole lot because I didn't want to carry my purse and camera much. It gets heavy and annoying. Most I'll post are ones from around our city walk before it rained and the last bunch are from our trip to the NFL game. Anywho....here are a few.

Hello Seattle

Well, Thanksgiving was a pretty fun holiday this year. I can say that I did enjoy my time off and I don’t really want it to end. It all started a few months ago when Chris asked me to go to Seattle with him and his family. I have been in the Seattle airport like five times going back and forth to Hawaii but I have never been in the city. I said HECK YES to that opportunity!
We were supposed to leave on Tuesday but there was this massive “life threatening” snow storm that was coming to town. The snow wasn’t that bad but the wind was a killer and froze the roads really bad. So we decided to leave early Wednesday. It was the loooongest trip. We had to go so so slow. After 14 hours we finally made it to our destination.
The next day was Thanksgiving. I was a little nervous going to dinner because there was going to be thirty people there, all family that I didn’t know. It was a mad house but they were all really nice. I liked them because they like wine. One of the cousins sells wine as a side business. I drank so much wine but it was delicious. I really liked it. After dinner we played charades. I am actually really good at charades. I guessed quite a few correct and our teams ended up tying but it was ok. Both teams did well.
Anyways, we spent the next few days exploring Seattle. Chris’s cousin Michael and his wife Trissa took us all over and gave us great tours. I got to go to Pike’s Place and the very first Starbucks and the gum wall. I saw all sorts of buildings and ships and we did some shopping. It was great. I love walking around big cities that have character and lots of people. I could live there for some time. There would always be something to do or see.
Sunday was “the big day!” We got to go to an NFL game. It was the Seahawks vs the KC Chiefs. I was so pumped since it was my first game in person. Luckily the weather was sunny and clear so we didn’t get too cold. Thirty degrees is tolerable ha. The game was excellent and there were TONS of Chiefs fans there. I was shocked about that. The Chiefs started off awesome and continued to dominate. It was fun and definitely a great experience. Chris loved it and went crazy the whole time. It was fun to watch him too.
That was a great way to spend Thanksgiving. The ride home went smoothly and then came the unpacking part which I hate the most. I’m avoiding it as much as I can. I have chosen to not write about the Boise State game. It was terrible and it doesn’t feel real quite yet. It was depressing, really depressing. That’s all I’m saying about it.   

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dear Snow

Dear snow,
You're cold and wet, you've been falling from the sky in large amounts for the past few days. Today I'm practically snowed in. I'm not ok with that. You're delaying my trip to Seattle and I'm not happy about that. I was looking forward to chilling in the hot tub tonight. Pleeeease clear up so that I can leave tomorrow. Then you may return with the degrees in the negatives because I won't be here.
Love, amanda

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

taking a study break....

I am happy with this time I am wasting. History can wait.

ya, I'm so glamorous ha

you can see my Christmas lights in my room...those are actually there ALL year! That's how much I love Christmas lights. They make me happy every night.

This is when I realized I was only wearing one earring. Weird. 

yup, studying makes me crazy.

Willow Smith - Whip My Hair


I saw this video and I was surprised. I love Will Smith and will never forget the awesome music he gave to us all back in the 90's. His daughter is such a diva and has the cutest fashion and I love her dancing. She's like a little Rhianna. This song kinda gets old fast, and I'm not like 13 or something so it's not like I'm all bananas for it, but she has a great career ahead of her!

Day 24 - A photo of something that means a lot to you

wow, this it tough because there are so so so many things that mean a lot to me. I could probably do this post ten times. 
...I think I'll be all sappy and use this picture.....

This is my hunky manfriend. He's not a boy, he's old, so he's a manfriend not boyfriend. 
I do love this man. He's sexy and funny. He has a nice ass and good biceps. He takes good care of me and he spoils me just the right amount. I have never asked him to buy me anything, because if I want something I'll get it myself, but he is always a gentlemen and pays for everything and takes me places. This picture is of us at a Utah Jazz vs Celtics game. It's kinda awkward looking because I have short arms and was taking it while trying to capture the stadium in the back..but it works. We rooted for the Celtics because they are so much cooler. Of course the Celtics won. He has taken me to several games and gotten me all interested in sports. My family doesn't watch so this is all new to me the past few years. I'm loving it. I'm getting the pleasure of attending a Kansas City Chiefs vs Seattle Seahawks game over Thanksgiving in Seattle with him. It's going to be intense. 
We have a unique relationship and I like it. It works for the both of us. We agree on so many things and we have actually never had a fight. I think that says a lot. At the end of November it will be four years since our first date. He took me to Borat. Yup, a psycho movie that turned out to be pretty funny. It's weird that time has gone by that fast. I have been asked why we don't post on Facebook that we are in a relationship, SEVERAL times, but I say that I don't need to. It's nobody's business. It creates drama and then people start to ask when are you getting married blah, blah, blah. I'll do it when I darn well please. I don't need Facebook to help create more pressure. HAAA, anyways. This post is getting long. I could write more and more but then it gets way personal and my hands are tired and I need to go drink a pot of coffee and to study.
I heart CB! 
The End.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Black Eyed Peas - Imma Be (Official HQ)

I like this song. It's got a good beat.

Day 23 - 15 facts about you

This day is interesting. I could do more than 15 obviously, but it's early so I'll just list 15 really randoms.

1.      I always lather, rinse and repeat 
2.      I always take my shoes off when I drive 
3.      I can lick my elbow and I got 2nd place at the ISU homecoming talent contest doing it. I was beat by a  guy that could jump rope with his arms. It was strange. 
4.      I hate using public bathrooms so I only use it when it’s an emergency 
5.      I always have the captions on when I watch tv 
6.      Purple is my favorite color 
7.      I have one tattoo. It’s Africa and it’s on my wrist and I love it 
8.      I love cats. A lot. 
9.      Meerkats are my favorite animal 
10.   I love to alphabetize everything 
11.   I like the cone part better than the ice cream part 
12.   I love even numbers. Odd numbers make me feel weird 
13.   I love to take pictures 
14.   I can only sleep with my door closed. 
15.   I can find my way around my house with my eyes closed.

Day 22 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently

This is day 22....I don't like this one. Therefore, I choose to not do it. I don't really think I need to write a letter to anyone. Recently I haven't been hurt. I wouldn't even write one for the past. So consider day 22 lame and unnecessary. So I'll skip to day 23.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 21 - A photo of something that makes you happy

I know that I talk A LOT about Africa and my trip there, but you can't say anything to me about it because I love it, and it was the BEST experience I've ever had and it made such an impact on my life. So if you're annoyed, GET OVER IT!! :) I actually hope that you enjoy my pics and stories.
So, this might seem random when I post this picture.

I took this picture of a home in a township in Worcester, South Africa. It was the first day we spent at a township. Townships are the parts of town that are the poorest and worst off. I cried as we drove through most of the town before we stopped. It was so dirty and cramped and the children were running around in all of the waste and with all the dogs and goats and most didn't have shoes or proper clothing. We were searching for a church to attend that day but we got lost. So we stopped and talked with the residents and with the kids. It was such a humbling experience and I probably cried everyday that I was in Africa because we visited the townships and stayed in them from that day on. I was just consumed with guilt and love for these people. They need help and seek it but most resources aren't available. I could sit for hours and tell stories about how they need help and how the government screws them all. I was even told by a guy that he was going to kill me for my shoes. He liked them and wanted them and I told him that he could have them without having to kill me, but he just walked away. People will kill for things so simple as wanting a pair of shoes. It's unbelievable. I have told myself that I will return someday with some money or some sort of way to help the people I met. I love Africa so much.

Day 20 - The meaning behind your blog name

Well, my blog url is "adventure is out there."  I picked this because I love adventure and there is so much more to do in life and places to go. It's also from one of my favorite movies "UP" he always says "Adventure is out there!" It's fun and cute.
I also took a line from one of my favorite songs "Swim" from Jack's Mannequin and put that on my front page. We have to remember to 'swim for the music that saves you when you're not so sure you'll survive.' Best song.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Something new for today

Alice posts some awesome things. I love all the pictures and random finds.

Day 19 - Another picture of yourself

Today I'm going to post some randoms. A few pictures that are my favorites

Me & Kim

This was on our way to Cape Town. The ocean  was amazing and we saw a whale.

Me & my sister at our last camping trip. It was July and there was still snow at the lake. 

This is me and Chan Hee at her birthday swim party. She is adorable and we were BFFs.

Me & Kim & Sam at Mugg & Bean eating lunch. I miss those girls. 

Kim & me & Vusani aka "Pops" Good times there. 

ChanSong, Sam & me at the top of Mauna Kea. It's the coldest place in Hawaii and the most amazing place ever. 

Kim & I were just happy to get some non-instant cofee at Mugg & Bean

Ocean View team. We were awesome and had a blast. This became our sign- an O and a V for Ocean View. Yup, creative.

The ocean is amazing

Me & my sister. We do pretty well with each other.

There was some pics. Sorry if I've posted them before. I'll get more soon when I go to Seattle and other adventures.

Day 18 - Something you crave a lot

Ha this is a crazy question to ask a girl. I think we all have "that time of month" when we want anything and especially chocolate.
The biggest thing I crave is......


The other two things I crave the most, which are kinda odd, are

Strawberry Orange Julius and Pringles. Together. That's the best. Except we no longer have an Orange Julius here in town so I have to go to Pocatello to get one. That's sad stuff. Pringles are the ultimate road trip food tho!

...aaaaand the last thing I love so much is GUM!!!! Any kinds of gum make me happy. I always chew it. YUM!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 17 - A photo of you and your family

Ummmm I don't have one of these on my computer since it's new and I have no pictures on it. And we haven't taken a family photo in years! We recently took one at church for a church directory and the photographer said we were harder to photograph than families with kids cuz we goof too much and make weird faces and don't look at the camera. Maybe if I get a copy I can put that here...

The Babar Family Halloween

Day 16 - Your celebrity crush

*I hate all these questions that can have multiple answers.

I'm just gonna post a few pics of men that are super dreamy......

ummmm yea, I could go on and on and on...you get the basic idea. Man these men are HOT! Makes me all giddy inside :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

I wish I were artsy fartsy

I love the suitcases that are for sale! I also love a lot of the shirts and skirts. Who woulda thought to make skirts out of flannel shirts? Not me! They have a lot of sweet stuff. Now I just need a job so I could get some of this stuff!

Day 15 - Something you don't leave the house without

Well, like most typical people I don't ever leave the house without my cell phone.

I don't have a picture of my phone because I'm too lazy to do it today so this is from Google. I have the Chocolate touch with a purple zebra case instead of this white. It's an alright phone. I never leave without it because I text soooooo much. My thumbs are going to need physical therapy soon to keep them from dying. I'm glad that phone companies have unlimited texting or I would be owing so much money ha.

Secondly, I never leave without my IPod Touch. I named her Penelope. (I name everything)

My Ipod does everything. It's the best companion ever! I wouldn't trade it for anything...except the new one with a camera...

Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 14 - A TV show you're currently addicted to

Well I wouldn't say that this is a new addiction at all because since season one I have watched and loved it.

That's right, like billions of other people in the world, I LOVE THE OFFICE! Who doesn't love the office?

My favorite character (even tho I love them all) would have to be Kevin!
He is hilarious and and always says the funniest things. He makes me giggle.
And of course, I love PB&J. I have loved everything about their relationship and watching it develop into the nice family they are now. This show will always be my favorite and I love watching it over and over on DVD and on TBS. I can't get enough. I'm sad that it will be different with Michael gone soon but I hope that they can keep the same humor and good characters they have.