Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 21 - A photo of something that makes you happy

I know that I talk A LOT about Africa and my trip there, but you can't say anything to me about it because I love it, and it was the BEST experience I've ever had and it made such an impact on my life. So if you're annoyed, GET OVER IT!! :) I actually hope that you enjoy my pics and stories.
So, this might seem random when I post this picture.

I took this picture of a home in a township in Worcester, South Africa. It was the first day we spent at a township. Townships are the parts of town that are the poorest and worst off. I cried as we drove through most of the town before we stopped. It was so dirty and cramped and the children were running around in all of the waste and with all the dogs and goats and most didn't have shoes or proper clothing. We were searching for a church to attend that day but we got lost. So we stopped and talked with the residents and with the kids. It was such a humbling experience and I probably cried everyday that I was in Africa because we visited the townships and stayed in them from that day on. I was just consumed with guilt and love for these people. They need help and seek it but most resources aren't available. I could sit for hours and tell stories about how they need help and how the government screws them all. I was even told by a guy that he was going to kill me for my shoes. He liked them and wanted them and I told him that he could have them without having to kill me, but he just walked away. People will kill for things so simple as wanting a pair of shoes. It's unbelievable. I have told myself that I will return someday with some money or some sort of way to help the people I met. I love Africa so much.


  1. that's a great picture. i want to go to south africa so badly. and anywhere else in africa, really.

  2. Thank you, South Africa is amazing and so beautiful. The people are great too. If you get a chance, visit a township and just walk around. Just don't take too many valuables with you like cameras or money. It's an experience everyone should have. Play with the kids, they will love it!
