Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 24 - A photo of something that means a lot to you

wow, this it tough because there are so so so many things that mean a lot to me. I could probably do this post ten times. 
...I think I'll be all sappy and use this picture.....

This is my hunky manfriend. He's not a boy, he's old, so he's a manfriend not boyfriend. 
I do love this man. He's sexy and funny. He has a nice ass and good biceps. He takes good care of me and he spoils me just the right amount. I have never asked him to buy me anything, because if I want something I'll get it myself, but he is always a gentlemen and pays for everything and takes me places. This picture is of us at a Utah Jazz vs Celtics game. It's kinda awkward looking because I have short arms and was taking it while trying to capture the stadium in the back..but it works. We rooted for the Celtics because they are so much cooler. Of course the Celtics won. He has taken me to several games and gotten me all interested in sports. My family doesn't watch so this is all new to me the past few years. I'm loving it. I'm getting the pleasure of attending a Kansas City Chiefs vs Seattle Seahawks game over Thanksgiving in Seattle with him. It's going to be intense. 
We have a unique relationship and I like it. It works for the both of us. We agree on so many things and we have actually never had a fight. I think that says a lot. At the end of November it will be four years since our first date. He took me to Borat. Yup, a psycho movie that turned out to be pretty funny. It's weird that time has gone by that fast. I have been asked why we don't post on Facebook that we are in a relationship, SEVERAL times, but I say that I don't need to. It's nobody's business. It creates drama and then people start to ask when are you getting married blah, blah, blah. I'll do it when I darn well please. I don't need Facebook to help create more pressure. HAAA, anyways. This post is getting long. I could write more and more but then it gets way personal and my hands are tired and I need to go drink a pot of coffee and to study.
I heart CB! 
The End.

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