Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 12 - A photograph of the town you live in

The top photo is Idaho Falls, Idaho. It's a nice place. The picture is of the falls that are downtown. My town has really changed over the years because we are actually starting to get good stores and good food places. I like that part but I still find it boring here. I enjoy going in the mountains and camping and skiing in the winter. There is a lot to do here if you have the time and money but when it's just a random day off and you're bored it can be harder to find something to do.

The bottom picture is Arco, Idaho. It's a small small town of less than 1,000 people. In the picture is the "Number Hill." It's what Arco is known for. Every year when a class graduates they go up the mountain and paint there numbers on it. It goes all the way back to 1924. A lot of my family did it, and I'm glad I got the chance to do it also. I lived there and went to high school before going to Idaho Falls. My dad was my principal and I am related to 3/4 of the town. That can be either bad or good. I enjoyed a small school because I was super super involved. Every club I tried and every sport I played. I was class president my junior and senior years and Homecoming Princess and Prom Queen, cheer captain and drill team captian for 4 years. Yup, I did it all. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I enjoyed having my dad as my principal. I got away with a lot. It was awesome. And I built a lot of good relationships with the teachers and workers and with my dad, it really brought us close. I am glad to be outta that town tho. I could tell you a lot about everyone because it's small so everyone knows everything.

I hope to soon live in a new town. I lived a few other places for brief periods of time and loved it. I need something new and exciting soon!

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