Monday, November 1, 2010

Holiday times

Well, all I have to say is that I’m so glad that Halloween is over. I love the candy and that’s about it. I hate reading everybody’s Facebook status’ that say how excited they are at the beginning of the month and then continually all month long and how awesome their costumes are and all that junk. It’s annoying. I chose not to dress up this year and I think it was a grand idea. Chris and I went out with a ton of friends to Applebee’s and then we went to the Shilo. There were so many slutty girls there and it was ridiculous. Most of the girls should not have been wearing what they were wearing and flaunting their gross bodies. I was grossed out all night. I had so many Mexican guys hitting on me and telling me how beautiful I am. I saw a lot of people I haven’t seen in forever too. I was very drunk myself so I’m not even sure what all we talked about. I couldn’t see straight either so who knows who else I talked to ha. I am proud of myself for not being totally smashed. I could still walk ok and I didn’t puke up all the alcohol. I have to say that when I drink I tend to think about life a lot more. Alcohol makes life seem so amazing for a really long time until you get sleepy then it’s like a depressant and life begins to suck ass. Then you sleep and move on. That’s usually what happens. I also have tons of energy and run and play softball better when I have a buzz. 
:) oh my I love beer!

Today at the mall I was excited because Christmas décor is coming out and Christmas music is taking over. I don’t know what it is about Christmas that makes me so happy but I love it. When I was in Africa all I wanted was to be home and sitting near my Christmas tree drinking coffee and playing board games. It was weird to be in a country where they have reverse seasons so it’s summer at Christmas time and winter when it’s summer here. I almost was going to stay in Hawaii after Africa to continue with being a leader of a school but the thought of being alone and in a tropical place at Christmas time kind of made me all depressed inside. I wanted to hit the ski slopes for a while and not surfing. That sounds weird I know but I am the type of person that goes gaga for tradition. I love doing everything the same way every year. Lately it has been falling apart because family members are moving away and divorces are happening. That’s even more depressing. Whoa, just thinking about all of this is really sad. Oh the joys of life. 

....this is the best part of Christmas. MISTLETOE! I have some hung in my house every year!

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