Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hello Seattle

Well, Thanksgiving was a pretty fun holiday this year. I can say that I did enjoy my time off and I don’t really want it to end. It all started a few months ago when Chris asked me to go to Seattle with him and his family. I have been in the Seattle airport like five times going back and forth to Hawaii but I have never been in the city. I said HECK YES to that opportunity!
We were supposed to leave on Tuesday but there was this massive “life threatening” snow storm that was coming to town. The snow wasn’t that bad but the wind was a killer and froze the roads really bad. So we decided to leave early Wednesday. It was the loooongest trip. We had to go so so slow. After 14 hours we finally made it to our destination.
The next day was Thanksgiving. I was a little nervous going to dinner because there was going to be thirty people there, all family that I didn’t know. It was a mad house but they were all really nice. I liked them because they like wine. One of the cousins sells wine as a side business. I drank so much wine but it was delicious. I really liked it. After dinner we played charades. I am actually really good at charades. I guessed quite a few correct and our teams ended up tying but it was ok. Both teams did well.
Anyways, we spent the next few days exploring Seattle. Chris’s cousin Michael and his wife Trissa took us all over and gave us great tours. I got to go to Pike’s Place and the very first Starbucks and the gum wall. I saw all sorts of buildings and ships and we did some shopping. It was great. I love walking around big cities that have character and lots of people. I could live there for some time. There would always be something to do or see.
Sunday was “the big day!” We got to go to an NFL game. It was the Seahawks vs the KC Chiefs. I was so pumped since it was my first game in person. Luckily the weather was sunny and clear so we didn’t get too cold. Thirty degrees is tolerable ha. The game was excellent and there were TONS of Chiefs fans there. I was shocked about that. The Chiefs started off awesome and continued to dominate. It was fun and definitely a great experience. Chris loved it and went crazy the whole time. It was fun to watch him too.
That was a great way to spend Thanksgiving. The ride home went smoothly and then came the unpacking part which I hate the most. I’m avoiding it as much as I can. I have chosen to not write about the Boise State game. It was terrible and it doesn’t feel real quite yet. It was depressing, really depressing. That’s all I’m saying about it.   

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