Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dear Jack

Tonight I had the privilege of watching Dear Jack, a documentary about Andrew McMahon the lead singer of Something Corporate and Jack’s Mannequin. 

 I love both bands so much and I have been to both a Jack’s Mannequin concert as well as a Something Corporate Reunion Tour. Both times at the concerts I felt such an amazing energy from Andrew and his band. You can tell that he is passionate about what he does and that he loves his music. I grew up in a hole aka Arco, Idaho. Population: 1,000 and shrinking. We didn’t have internet and on a good day we had two TV channels and maybe one radio station. I knew nothing about music and what was out there other than a few cd’s I received from friends or what I heard on the radio. This all predates IPods, Mp3’s and Wi-Fi and all that good junk that we can’t seem to function without now. I met a guy while working at a sporting goods store several years later. He introduced me to pretty much all the important music anybody needs to have in their lives. The first song he played for me was Konstantine by Something Corporate. I loved it and was amazed by all the passion and the strength of the lyrics. Thus began my lifelong love for Andrew McMahon.

Anyways, I say all of this to say that Dear Jack is a heartbreaking yet inspiring documentary about Andrew’s battle with leukemia. It shows footage captured personally by Andrew day by day and what he is experiencing with hair loss and pain from the treatment and the effect on his family and music career. Having had many people in my family with cancer I can relate to all of this all too well. I also found out that Andrew was going through this battle at the same time as my mom was experiencing stomach cancer. I can only say that being positive and optimistic through tough times definitely has a great impact on the results. You can see that through all of the footage.  This video was amazing and I recommend everyone to rent it or buy it or borrow it from someone because it will give you a greater appreciation for life and for music and the power of putting your thoughts on paper and for family and friends. 

here is a link to Andrew's foundation for young people with cancer. VISIT IT! ...maybe help out?!

boring, cold, wednesday

About me.
1. real name: Amanda Strom
2. like it: I would change my first name if I could.
3. single or taken: Taken.
4. zodiac sign: virgo
5. male or female: Female.
6. age: 23.
7. height: 5'4
8. lucky number: 2...i love even numbers
9. eye color: hazel
10. hair color: brown
11. long or short: in the middle.
12. marital status: Single? Well I’m not married anyway but I’m in a relationship.
13. are you a health freak: yes very much so
14. height: question 7…
15. do you have a crush on someone: I wouldn’t call it a crush :)
16. do you like yourself: Unsure.
17. piercings: ears but i want more
18. tattoos:1
19. righty or lefty: Righty.
20. fav color: purple
21. least fav color: beige.


22. first kiss: bleh i hate that guy
23. first piercing: Ears.
24. first best friend: another Amanda :)
25. first award: I did a race at the mall on a llama. I won!
26. first sport: Gymnastics
27. first pet: Pomeranian puppy. I loved him!
28. first vacation: Every summer to Las Vegas but biggest 1st trip was to Florida
29. first car: Ford F150
30. first crush: I dated a boy in 1st grade named Kenny. So dreamy.


31. what time is it: 2:51
32. where are you: In my room.
33. wish: I could get a massage.
34. about to: bake.
35. listening to: new Jimmy Eat World Cd
36. waiting for: Thanksgiving break
37. wearing: hoodie and jeans
38. annoyed about: the cold weather. either have lots of snow or be hot. not in between
39. eating: Nothing.
40. drinking: coffee.


41. want kids?: Yes, but not for a long time.
42. want to get married?: Yes.
43. careers in mind?: teaching
44. dream car?: audi r8!


45. lips or eyes?: Eyes.
46. hugs or kisses: Kisses.
47. shorter or taller: Taller.
48. tan skinned or light: Not bothered.
49. romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneous.
50. dark or light hair: Dark hair.
51. built, fat, muscular, skinny, or normal: I don’t mind.
52. hook up or relationship: Relationship.
53. similar to you or different: Differences create mystery ;)
54. trouble maker or hesitant: Hmm, hesitant.


55. kissed a stranger: Yes.
56. drank bubbles: Yes.
57. ate a crayon: No.
58. lost glasses/contacts: No.
59. climbed up a tree: I used to climb trees all the time when I was little, such a tomboy.
60. broken someone’s heart: I wouldn’t go that far.
61. been arrested: almost.
62. turned someone down: Yes.
63. cried when someone died: Yeah, of course.
64. liked a friend as more than a friend: I have done.


65. yourself: Sometimes.
66. miracles: yes
67. ghosts: Yes.
68. love at first sight: Not love.
69. santa clause: Haha aw I wish :(
70. heaven and hell: yes.
71. kissing on the first date: Uhm, a kiss on the cheek ;)
72. God: yes


73. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yes.
74. Who is it? Chris
75. Do you kiss on the first date? I have done.
76. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? No thanks.
77. Last time you flossed? A week ago, I’d rather just use mouth wash.
78. Last time checked for STDs? Never.
79. Fart in public? I don’t know.
80. Flirt with your friends boyfriend or girlfriend? Never.
81. Cheat on a partner? Never.
82. Whats under your bed? shoes and clothes and stuff
83. Last time you cleaned your toilet? I don’t do that.
84. Ever sprout hairs on your chin? No lmfao.
85. Does the carpet match the curtains? TMI!
86. Last kiss? Chris
87. Last booty call? No.
88. 7th text received? You got it
89. 4th missed call? unknown number
90. Last comment received? love you
91. Sleep with a stuffed animal? Not anymore.
92. Last time you cried? In the last week, I cry quite a lot for no reason.
93. Pee in pools? Only when I was young bahahaha.
94. Ever stolen something? Yes, stupid things.
95. Ever drink milk from the carton? Mmm yes.
96. Mad at anyone? No.
97. Ever rock a mullet? No, but that would rock
98. Last tuxedo worn? Never worn one
99. Last video game played? Wii fit. I'm not fit ha.

Day 6 - A photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet

I have an obsession with Meerkats. I would have a whole pack of them if I could. but they are illegal in the United States to have as a pet. LAME!
How cute are they??????????? Ugh I want one.

Day 5 - A photo of yourself two years ago

This is a photo of me when I worked at Sports Authority. Probably over two years ago but that's ok. Behind me is the lockers that me and Jaime wrote love notes on. I like the store but I am surely glad to not be working there anymore. Especially during the holidays. It was a crazy experience and time in my life.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I'm "Being open with others." Go me.

I'm not one for watching romantic shows or movies and crying over them or anything, but I would say that I do appreciate when I see someone that genuinely has a deep love for their significant other.
A few things I love to see is an old couple holding hands as they go for a walk, a man opening a door for a lady, a man walking on the sidewalk closest to the curb, a man that has true manners and takes care of ladies.
Because I was told that sharing my thoughts and feelings in some way will help, this is where I choose to begin. I will start to open up and share. Nobody reads this anyways...
I will never again be with someone that doesn't have respect for a woman or treats her harshly.
I once dated a guy that put me through the roughest times of my life. He was an asshole to put it nicely. I made myself vulnerable to this I think when I gave him too much of me too fast. (not sexually if you're wondering) I was young and had never had a boyfriend before. I didn't tell my parents that I was even dating him because I was too scared that they would ask questions about our relationship. He had money and a future all laid out for him by his father and they gave him anything he wanted. He used this to his advantage. I was too scared to stand up for myself and to tell him what I thought. He was always near me or waiting for me to come out of class or waiting at my apartment. He told me what to wear and how to wear it. What to eat and how to eat it. Where to be and when to be there. Basically, he controlled everything about me. This lead me down a hug spiral. It opened me up to eating disorders, huge amounts of self esteem issues and self destructive tendencies. There is so much more to this story and it still continues today. I am affected by it everyday. It consumes my thoughts and actions.  I choose to not tell others about it. I choose mostly to hold it in hoping that one day it will go away.
Mostly I really want the strength to confront it and conquer it and to help others someday as well. But I am so scared to open myself up to the healing process because it will change everything.
I appreciate help and support from the people that care about me. I hate that I might have hurt anyone else. I feel I've shared a lot. There is a lot more but it takes time.

Day 4 - Your favorite photograph of your best friend

Well this is kinda tough because I have more than one "best friend." I do have quite a few friends but when asked I would say that I would rather have one really close friend that I tell everything to rather than a small group of close friends. If that makes sense. I would have to say that my best friend is my cousin Lindsay.

(left to right:: ME, ROBIN, LINDSAY)

Here is a picture of us when we were small. I love this picture so much. Our grandparents lived in Lake Havasu, AZ when we were growing up. I would always spend my entire summers there swimming and playing with donkeys and hunting rattlesnakes and doing many random things. My cousins Robin & Lindsay would come down at least for a week or so usually every summer. We swam so much that we looked like we were little African American kids because we got so tan. I love these two even though they got me into a lot of trouble. I am the youngest so they blamed most everything on me. I got a lot of spankings and my mouth was often washed out with soap. But it's ok. The good times outweigh the bad.
Lindsay and I grew up doing everything together and we can make each other so hyper and happy. We love pretty much all the same things and we often do similar things without realizing it. We're kind of like twins in a way I suppose. Even now that we are grown up we help each other with everything. When we were going to go to college together Lindsay changed her mind and decided to join the Air Force. I was never mad that she was going to leave me but I was kind of sad. She was like my other half. But she has done awesome in the Air Force, doing more than I ever could. She has gotten to travel around the US and she even lived in South Korea. She is now married to a guy she met in the Air Force and they are happily living in Maryland. It's great to have her in America now and so we get to share more. I do miss her but I know that eventually we'll end up growing old together somewhere.
...A few wedding photos...

Lindsay & Martin

Our family & Martin's

This post has kind of become an ode of love to my cousin. And although she may not look at it, it is often nice just to think about the people that you have in your lives and how much we can take things for advantage. I love her and would do anything for her. So sappy yet so true.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I am super super excited today! I got my new laptop! This is the 1st awkward photo using the new web camera. It took me like three hours to figure out how to use the web camera. I'm still trying to figure out this Windows 7 thing, and how to make my Ipod touch work fully. I need some smart nerd to sit with me and explain it all. I love everything about it so far. It's even a pretty blue. The button on the finger pad clicks like REALLY LOUD but I hope to get a mouse soon.

Today I had my math test. I think there are a few bad things that can happen the night before a test. One of them is dreaming about doing math problems all night. I did that exact thing. I woke up several times and panicked because I thought I was late for class. LAME! I kept doing the same math problem over and over and never got a solution. I went to school this morning and I got really nervous and when I got my math test I almost threw up. I still feel iffy about it even though I studied for it. Guess we'll see.

I hope that this weekend is fun. I look forward to the nice weather. I am in love with the trees and the colors and I wish that they looked like this always, but then we wouldn't appreciate the colors as much I think. Anywho, there is a boring update to my past two days. 

Day 3

Day 3 - Your idea of the perfect first date."Hmm... that's a tough one. I guess I would have to say April 25th, because it's not too hot, and not too cold. All you need is a light jacket!"

ha ha...just kidding...well I'm not one to need a lot of flashy things. I would say that either something super fun and random like if you have a hobby in common like golf, frisbee golf, bicycle riding, putt putt golf, skiing/snowboarding.... you know fun things you don't normally do. Or the typical dinner and a movie. I think that dinner or a picnic is the best way to go because it gives you time to talk. Going out for coffee also helps. It opens time up for you to get to know each other. I don't think there is such thing as a "perfect" date, but hopefully anytime with a new hottie stranger will not be awkward but enjoyable. Hopefully this answers this weird question....

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My obsession with cats is out of control


Day 2

Day 2 - A photo of something you ate today.

 Yes, that is a cherry limeade from Sonic. I wasn't hungry so I just stopped and got a drink. Yum Yum.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 1

Day 1 - A photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.

I don't feel well today. Again. I HATE being sick. Hence the awful picture, but I'm trying to follow this the way it's supposed to be done. I went to school and sat in class. I tried to listen but all I could do is doodle or I would have fallen asleep. I got an 84% on my English midterm. Not the greatest score ever but from this professor, it's pretty good. I now have to study for my math midterm which is Thursday. I don't have a clue what is going on, but I'll hopefully figure it out by then or just scribble numbers and letters around to make it look like I tried. I did that once and it worked. I plan on laying in bed early tonight after a long bath and watching tv. Ok, well that was super boring. My life is lame lately.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Following the trend

Something else to waste my time. Maybe I'll get through it all. I'll try. Not that people read this but I'll humor myself. It will be fun to read someday in the future.

I'll begin tomorrow after school.

Day 1 - A photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.
Day 2 - A photo of something you ate today.
Day 3 - Your idea of the perfect first date.
Day 4 - Your favorite photograph of your best friend.
Day 5 - A photo of yourself two years ago.
Day 6 - A photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet.
Day 7 - Your dream wedding.
Day 8 - A song to match your mood.
Day 9 - A photo of the item you last purchased.
Day 10 - A photo of your favorite place to eat.
Day 11 - What's in your makeup bag.
Day 12 - A photograph of the town you live in.
Day 13 - Your favorite musician and why?
Day 14 - A TV show you're currently addicted to.
Day 15 - Something you don't leave the house without.
Day 16 - Your celebrity crush.
Day 17 - A photo of you and your family.
Day 18 - Something you crave a lot.
Day 19 - Another picture of yourself.
Day 20 - The meaning behind your blog name.
Day 21 - A photo of something that makes you happy.
Day 22 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
Day 23 - 15 facts about you.
Day 24 - A photo of something that means a lot to you.
Day 25 - What's in your purse?
Day 26 - A photo of somewhere you've been to.
Day 27 - A picture of you last year and now and how you changed since then?
Day 28 - Your favorite movie.
Day 29 - Something you could never get tired of doing.
Day 30 - A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days.

Har Har

Oh boy, have I been emotional lately!!!! I hate being a girl. School sucks. Mainly math, but altogether school is lame. BLLLEEEEHHHHH!!!! ok....moving on.

So Jackass 3D was freaking awesome! Probably the funniest movie I have seen in a long time! I laughed so hard and my face hurt from smiling afterward. I saw it in 3D which was way cool. Things flew at you and when they did slow motion while hitting someone you could see it all so well. They did some way way way disgusting things and it made me sick. A lot of poop flying and drinking sweat from the fat guy. I gagged a lot and almost threw up twice. I was hungry before the movie but I waited and it was probably a good thing. But after I didn't really want to eat much. I totally recommend this movie to anyone looking for something to do and for some good time humor.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Today's New Discovery!

yup, it's an amazing website. I'm so so glad there are creative people in this world who show us things like this. I want to try to remember a lot of these for household things and projects in the future!


Today I was supposed to take a History quiz online but thank God for technical difficulties! It has been rescheduled. So I took a suuuuuper long shower. I wear pants all the time now that it's cold so I haven't shaved my legs in a while. They aren't real gross cuz I'm not a hairy person at all. Many people think I shave my arms, but you just have to look close and you'll see my adorable arm hairs. Anywho, now I'm going to bake chocolate chip cookies. I'm excited mostly for the dough.
Oh and I was sitting in my living room in only my underwear picking a play list to listen to on my computer when the mailman came. Pretty pretty sure he saw me. It was awkward.
So now I'm in my soft and cute pink bathrobe. Probably a little safer! Even though I'm nudie underneath! Baha!

P.S. Arcade Fire is an AMAZING band and I love their music. I'll post more about that later. As well as my movie review of JACKASS 3D which I will be viewing at the cinema tonight. I'm excited!!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


“Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering the autumn tree” Emily Bronte. 
I love fall. I love the colors and the feeling I get when I drink hot coffee and take a walk in my boots and hear the leaves crunch. It's been a little chilly lately and I would rather feel the warm heat than the cold wind! I do love finding the random spots in my house that have a little sunshine and curling up in my zebra snuggie to get warm from the sun. Today the sky was super blue. It distracted me a lot during class because I kept looking out the window at the leaves blowing and the sky. I then went for a walk by the river and the park and it was beautiful. I love taking lots and lots of pictures of the nature. My picture folders are filling up fast. I will be getting my new laptop next week because they had to order it but I got a pretty good deal on it. I'm very excited! It's blue and shiny and is supposed to work super fast. What more could you want? Well I have a gazillion math problems to do. ugggghhhh! I hate math! And history will be boring today too. My hand always cramps when I have that class because I take pages and pages of notes and I'm pretty sure the girl next to me got me sick. She always hacks her lungs out and doesn't cover her mouth. Like seriously, how old are we? I hate germs so so so bad and being sick sucks. I just need sleep and soup and some good movies! 

p.s. I don't know why this is all in Italics font or whatever. It wouldn't change & I got way to frustrated trying to fix it. So just tilt your head to the right and it will seem straighter :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

A Special Time With Me & My Kitty Cat....

I took this weird one because her eyes were peeping and looked creepy to me ha....

How does my cat expect me to do anything on the computer when she is sleeping on my arm and half on my keyboard? She is cute, but makes things complicated. I love you Chancey =^.^=

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

it's only tuesday?

this picture captures how i feel right now....blah!

I took my laptop to the dr. to be fixed and they can't save it. I'm sad. Thankfully my pictures & music can be saved. But this means that all the money I saved for a new awesome camera has to be spent on a laptop. lame!
I'm also sick feeling. I hate it. Hopefully this is all I get all season. I have to be good enough to go skiing lots!
I wanna get drunk right now so bad. I could go for some Sam Adams Octoberfest. I LOVE that stuff. I want some now.  I wanna get my PARTY on!!!!!!!! yeaaaaa!
I also got two new shirts today. It excites me. And the dollar store provided me with some good candy and that made me happy.
ok, I think that is all I have to say for today. School was boring. Nothing more to blah about.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Traveling is like a drug to me...

I crave it & I need it. Everyday I let my mind wander & I think about the places I've been & I want to go back there. Whenever I travel I always am a million times happier. I rarely miss home. I find it so amazing to see new places and new things. I think about leaving and exploring all the time. I hate being in one spot. 

I have an ultimate plan for after I graduate college. I want to go teach English in other countries. If this means I have to go to Africa again, live in a hut, & sacrifice all the material things I own, then so be it. I'll do it!!!! I'll give my life to others and help them.

Many days I wonder if I am where I'm supposed to be. I often feel like I'm not. Well, most days I feel that I'm not. When does someone figure out that where they are is where they're supposed to be? I wish I could figure this out soon. 

 Africa still has my heart. Who wouldn't love being there everyday and with these adorable & lovable kids?

 Hawaii is amazing and has many opportunities. And who doesn't love riding mopeds, chillin in the hot sun and laying on the beach everyday? Gah I miss this!

A fresh start

I did this because i want to make my tumblr more of a personal thing with mostly only pictures, I am coming back to using my blog. If you are good enough to know my tumblr address then you can see that but if not, I'm not sharing! ha!

So this is a new beginning, and I have to refresh myself on how to use this dumb thing. Seems like it never does what I want it to do!