Tuesday, October 5, 2010

it's only tuesday?

this picture captures how i feel right now....blah!

I took my laptop to the dr. to be fixed and they can't save it. I'm sad. Thankfully my pictures & music can be saved. But this means that all the money I saved for a new awesome camera has to be spent on a laptop. lame!
I'm also sick feeling. I hate it. Hopefully this is all I get all season. I have to be good enough to go skiing lots!
I wanna get drunk right now so bad. I could go for some Sam Adams Octoberfest. I LOVE that stuff. I want some now.  I wanna get my PARTY on!!!!!!!! yeaaaaa!
I also got two new shirts today. It excites me. And the dollar store provided me with some good candy and that made me happy.
ok, I think that is all I have to say for today. School was boring. Nothing more to blah about.

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