Tuesday, October 12, 2010


“Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering the autumn tree” Emily Bronte.

I love fall. I love the colors and the feeling I get when I drink hot coffee and take a walk in my boots and hear the leaves crunch. It's been a little chilly lately and I would rather feel the warm heat than the cold wind! I do love finding the random spots in my house that have a little sunshine and curling up in my zebra snuggie to get warm from the sun. Today the sky was super blue. It distracted me a lot during class because I kept looking out the window at the leaves blowing and the sky. I then went for a walk by the river and the park and it was beautiful. I love taking lots and lots of pictures of the nature. My picture folders are filling up fast. I will be getting my new laptop next week because they had to order it but I got a pretty good deal on it. I'm very excited! It's blue and shiny and is supposed to work super fast. What more could you want? Well I have a gazillion math problems to do. ugggghhhh! I hate math! And history will be boring today too. My hand always cramps when I have that class because I take pages and pages of notes and I'm pretty sure the girl next to me got me sick. She always hacks her lungs out and doesn't cover her mouth. Like seriously, how old are we? I hate germs so so so bad and being sick sucks. I just need sleep and soup and some good movies! 

p.s. I don't know why this is all in Italics font or whatever. It wouldn't change & I got way to frustrated trying to fix it. So just tilt your head to the right and it will seem straighter :)

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