Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 4 - Your favorite photograph of your best friend

Well this is kinda tough because I have more than one "best friend." I do have quite a few friends but when asked I would say that I would rather have one really close friend that I tell everything to rather than a small group of close friends. If that makes sense. I would have to say that my best friend is my cousin Lindsay.

(left to right:: ME, ROBIN, LINDSAY)

Here is a picture of us when we were small. I love this picture so much. Our grandparents lived in Lake Havasu, AZ when we were growing up. I would always spend my entire summers there swimming and playing with donkeys and hunting rattlesnakes and doing many random things. My cousins Robin & Lindsay would come down at least for a week or so usually every summer. We swam so much that we looked like we were little African American kids because we got so tan. I love these two even though they got me into a lot of trouble. I am the youngest so they blamed most everything on me. I got a lot of spankings and my mouth was often washed out with soap. But it's ok. The good times outweigh the bad.
Lindsay and I grew up doing everything together and we can make each other so hyper and happy. We love pretty much all the same things and we often do similar things without realizing it. We're kind of like twins in a way I suppose. Even now that we are grown up we help each other with everything. When we were going to go to college together Lindsay changed her mind and decided to join the Air Force. I was never mad that she was going to leave me but I was kind of sad. She was like my other half. But she has done awesome in the Air Force, doing more than I ever could. She has gotten to travel around the US and she even lived in South Korea. She is now married to a guy she met in the Air Force and they are happily living in Maryland. It's great to have her in America now and so we get to share more. I do miss her but I know that eventually we'll end up growing old together somewhere.
...A few wedding photos...

Lindsay & Martin

Our family & Martin's

This post has kind of become an ode of love to my cousin. And although she may not look at it, it is often nice just to think about the people that you have in your lives and how much we can take things for advantage. I love her and would do anything for her. So sappy yet so true.

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